MediciNet II is the follow-up of the succesful cross-border project entitled "MediciNet: Enhancement of cooperation between Komotini's and Kardjali's hospitals and medical staff for their best response in case of emergency issues focusing on car accidents", which was implemented under the 2nd Call for Proposals of the European Territorial Cooperation Programme "Greece-Bulgaria 2007-2013". Project MediciNet I was of a total budget of 1.763.785,00 €, and was co-financed 85% by the European Regional Development Fund and 15% by National Funds from Greece and Bulgaria.

Lead partner of the project, which had started on the 1st of February 2012 and was completed on the 30th of June 2014 was the General Hospital of Komotini “Sismanogleio”, while from the side of Bulgaria on the project participated the Multi-profile hospital for Active Treatment “Dr. Atanas Dafovski” AD.



- The Idea

The central need which triggered project’s planning and development was the new road which had been constructing and would connect the cities of Komotini and Kardzhali. This road is part of the Transeuropean network and more specifically part of Corridor 9.  Without a doubt, the new road would enhance cooperation activities between the two cities but at the same time, this size of traffic would create new needs for health services. The assumption had been that any accident incurred on the international road between Komotini and Kardzhali and in the near-road network would be carried out by these two hospitals. Hence, there was a significant need to improve their capacity to tackle emergency road accidents.


- A “Best Practice” Project

MediciNet I was not a project which aimed simply to the procurement of medical equipment; it was a project with a systemic view to the improvement of the quality of life in the cross-border area through the channel of health. Very careful actions were undertaken after the thorough study of the border and cross-border medical situation. The project was not a combination of independent activities by each partner, but a joint effort to manage common issues. The pivotal topic in the project is the cooperation in order to treat effectively the incidents in the cross-border area, including combined treatment, exchange of know-how, seminars and especially cooperation at the field of emergencies management where every minute is extremely valuable.

As it was mentioned above the stimulus for the project was the new road which would connect the cities of Komotini and Kardzhali. Executives of the two hospitals had identified the problem before its actual presence. Analyzing the existing situation and the consequences of the new road, designed a project in order for the two hospitals to be ready on time to encounter with the increased accidents and their management. The new road was given to drivers on September of 2013; the two hospitals had completed the procurement of most of the equipment, the renovation of their infrastructure, the training of their staff and had developed a channel of cooperation for the best management of incidents on the road.

MediciNet I project was evaluated and selected by the Managing Authority of European Territorial Cooperation Programmes, amongst all INTERREG Cross - Border Cooperation Projects, as a “Best Practice” Project under the Thematic Category: "Public Health - Social inclusion" and had also been selected by the Ministry of Health as the Greek candidate for "The State of Kuwait Prize for Research in Health Promotion" and the "United Arab Emirates Health Foundation Prize" WHO 2015's awards.